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Author: Brennan Chapman
Date: Feb 25, 2020

Do-it Mold mods for vibrating jig

While your mold certainly has it’s own specific intended use, casting the jig, lure, sinker, or soft bait as advertised, for us that prefer the path less traveled, our Do-it molds have limitless application and range. 

--What do I mean? Well, if you turn the pages of your Do-it catalog and you embark on the possibilities, all the while your fish centric brain fills with excitement, as it begins to register the endless possibilities of what we as the tackle makers of the world are able to do with these awesome tools, then you know exactly what I mean. We analyze the roster of baits on the market today as we scroll through our social medias, seeking ways to perfect them or better yet, diverge. Do-it Molds provides you with the platform to do just that!

Some ideas that you’ve already dreamed up, may require some slight modification to your mold, and that’s ok. A quick polish up with a dremel tool will finish up most modifications. However, there are many great multi-application molds available; you just have to look for them. Take our Poison Swingtail Jig mold for example. While it’s intended use is in its name, its possibilities and range end far from there. This mold makes an incredible platform for many applications. Today, we’re going to talk about my favorite use of this one, the Vibrating Jig. 

To get started, you’re going to need a few things. First, your Poison Swingtail mold (item number 3517), vibrating blades, WEY525 wire forms, Duo-lock snaps (size 53 or 54), and your favorite Spinnerbait hook (Heavy wire preferably, 2/0-5/0).  

Do-it Mold SuppliesModified Do-it Mold

The WEY525 form falls right into place of the eyelet in the mold. From there, slide the wire through the eye of your Spinnerbait hook, mating the connection between the two. Carefully closing your mold to be sure that the components remain in place, close the mold until it is entirely shut. When the mold is closed, verify that the hook is centered in your mold by adjusting the portion that protrudes from your mold as needed. You’re ready to pour. 

Jigs from a modified Do-it Mold

Like any jig or sinker, your vibrating lure will need the spru trimmed. At that point, you can now open the eye of the jig, where your vibrating blade will later slide into place. After dressing up your jig with your favorite skirt, paint, and 3D eyes, you are ready to attach your blade (Use good pliers, it is not easy to open the eyelet). When you’ve fixed your blade in place by firmly closing the eyelet, all you have left to do is attach your Duo-lock snap, and you’re ready for the water. There you have it; a custom lure with the highest quality components available, amplifying your confidence in those special moments when you need it most. 

Vibrating Jig from modified Do-it Mold

While the time to throw the vibrating lure is either here for some, or rapidly approaching for others, the substance of this write-up is the options that Do-it gives you with each and every mold. Your favorite hook, skirt, eye, paint scheme, complement of your Do-it Mold. 

Thank you for reading. Send us a picture or comment below your favorite mold mod! 

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