Download the 2025 Do-it Molds Catalog - Get yours today!

Purchasing through us directly has perks! Every item purchased on our site is worth points. The more you order the more points you earn, and you can utilize these points for free molds! Every point you earn is worth $0.10 towards a free mold. (Example, you can redeem 550 points to receive a $55 mold for free!)

To Redeem Points towards a mold, go to “My Account”, scroll down to Rewards, and select “Redeem”, then you will be taken to a separate page on our site with all of the molds and their points values. Then simply shop until you find the mold you’d like and select “Redeem This Item for ___ Points” and it will add it to your cart at No Charge!

  • Rewards Points can only be earned through online orders. (Call in orders do not apply)

  • Rewards points can only be used towards Molds.

  • This offer is only available for retail customers.

  • Items on our site vary in point value depending on price.

  • These points can only be used if you have the full amount of points towards the mold.

  • If locked out of your account, email [email protected] to get these points transferred to your updated account.

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